progress: Musings/Research

Its been quite a while since I have posted about my work and was pondering why I struggle with blogging my work. It could partly be to do with the way I work where it is often very chaotic with varied influences and where I am usually working a few things at the same time so it is often 'work in progress' for quite sometime. As I work in a more fluid/organic way, I also like to show my various strands together so that it makes more sense and has some feeling of a story in there somewhere rather than fragmented bits but perhaps it doesn't matter. So as a new rule, Im hoping to post more snippets of my work, whether they're finished or somewhere in the midst of! 

So for starters, this is an A1 sheet with some of my varied research sources that Ive been working with the past few months. Key words being: architecture; perspective; fluorescent colours; line; transparency; layers; grids. More of my general research can be found here in my sketchbook blog

Research material

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